Dream - The Old House
Hi There, here’s another dream to tantalize you. I was holding off on publishing this because I do not want to get too enamored with trying to figure out the deep meanings of these. But this one keeps coming to mind so here goes . . .
I dreamt that I was at a fairly large house with a good sized field by it. I was working in the yard with a Bob-Cat or a micro-sized skip-loader of some type, along with my friend COB. Then, I was in the house and I noticed how much dis-repair the house was in. The walls seemed weak and thin, the floors I remember had gaping holes. I remember thinking to myself if this was may have been due to disrepair or some previous calamity which had not gotten proper treatment.
I think we were going to take over the house and were assessing what repairs needed to be done. Or something like that - it’s a little hard to remember now that part. I do remember that the owners of the house were old friend of COB and HC and where leaving (in my dream it was the oscar party family but I think that was mostly symbolic for ‘old friends’). So I was there - in the hallway - and noticed a huge arc in the floor where it was quite ready to just fall asunder. In the kitchen I started to examine the walls and realized why the house was so wobbly - the walls were empty. The wallboard was the only thing that kept the walls up - I was astonished and a little bit afraid since I understood how fragile the house was.
/s/ B. /
I dreamt that I was at a fairly large house with a good sized field by it. I was working in the yard with a Bob-Cat or a micro-sized skip-loader of some type, along with my friend COB. Then, I was in the house and I noticed how much dis-repair the house was in. The walls seemed weak and thin, the floors I remember had gaping holes. I remember thinking to myself if this was may have been due to disrepair or some previous calamity which had not gotten proper treatment.
I think we were going to take over the house and were assessing what repairs needed to be done. Or something like that - it’s a little hard to remember now that part. I do remember that the owners of the house were old friend of COB and HC and where leaving (in my dream it was the oscar party family but I think that was mostly symbolic for ‘old friends’). So I was there - in the hallway - and noticed a huge arc in the floor where it was quite ready to just fall asunder. In the kitchen I started to examine the walls and realized why the house was so wobbly - the walls were empty. The wallboard was the only thing that kept the walls up - I was astonished and a little bit afraid since I understood how fragile the house was.
/s/ B. /
this is very interesting!
and, in all honesty and no sarcasm, I have to say I appreciate your use of the word "asunder"!
~ cob
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